Planning Paradise PDF
By:Peter A. Walker,Patrick T. Hurley
Published on 2011-05-15 by University of Arizona Press
ÒSprawlÓ is one of the ugliest words in the American political lexicon. Virtually no one wants AmericaÕs rural landscapes, farmland, and natural areas to be lost to bland, placeless malls, freeways, and subdivisions. Yet few of AmericaÕs fast-growing rural areas have effective rules to limit or contain sprawl. Oregon is one of the nationÕs most celebrated exceptions. In the early 1970s Oregon established the nationÕs first and only comprehensive statewide system of land-use planning and largely succeeded in confining residential and commercial growth to urban areas while preserving the stateÕs rural farmland, forests, and natural areas. Despite repeated political attacks, the stateÕs planning system remained essentially politically unscathed for three decades. In the early- and mid-2000s, however, the Oregon public appeared disenchanted, voting repeatedly in favor of statewide ballot initiatives that undermined the ability of the state to regulate growth. One of AmericaÕs most celebrated Òsuccess storiesÓ in the war against sprawl appeared to crumble, inspiring property rights activists in numerous other western states to launch copycat ballot initiatives against land-use regulation. This is the first book to tell the story of OregonÕs unique land-use planning system from its rise in the early 1970s to its near-death experience in the first decade of the 2000s. Using participant observation and extensive original interviews with key figures on both sides of the stateÕs land use wars past and present, this book examines the question of how and why a planning system that was once the nationÕs most visible and successful example of a comprehensive regulatory approach to preventing runaway sprawl nearly collapsed. Planning Paradise is tough love for Oregon planning. While admiring much of what the stateÕs planning system has accomplished, Walker and Hurley believe that scholars, professionals, activists, and citizens engaged in the battle against sprawl would be well advised to think long and deeply about the lessons that the recent struggles of one of AmericaÕs most celebrated planning systems may hold for the future of land-use planning in Oregon and beyond.
This Book was ranked at 5 by Google Books for keyword Land Use.
Book ID of Planning Paradise's Books is nAKYb24MoBsC, Book which was written byPeter A. Walker,Patrick T. Hurleyhave ETAG "OEQyOkPmwcw"
Book which was published by University of Arizona Press since 2011-05-15 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780816528837 and ISBN 10 Code is 0816528837
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "287 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPolitical Science
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true
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