Nature-friendly Land Use Practices at Multiple Scales PDF
By:Rebecca Lynn Kihslinger,James M. McElfish
Published on 2009 by Environmental Law Institute
Development due to urbanization is the most significant threat to U.S. wildlife conservation. According to estimates, the nation will need approximately two million new housing units a year to meet the demands of the next 100 million U.S. residents. However, there are significant opportunities to influence the pattern and extent of development in order to meet conservation goals. This unique book is organized around eight detailed case studies of private land developers, local governments, and public agencies that have worked across jurisdictional and ecological boundaries to effectively address habitat conservation. The book includes two essays by leading conservation biologists who link planning at scale with sound land use decisions. The book articulates six lessons or |best practices| for the design and implementation of programs and projects that incorporate effective conservation at multiple scales: * creating and sustaining an independent entity focused on habitat, including regional conservation efforts; * maintaining dynamic access to conservation science; * |branding| a project or place as wildlife-supporting; * identifying regional habitat conservation opportunities and funding sources; * educating the community in order to increase citizen involvement; * achieving external certification in order to maintain a project's continuity as nature-friendly over time. These key elements provide planners, developers, and government agencies with attainable objectives for the design and implementation of land use programs that incorporate wildlife conservation at multiple scales.
This Book was ranked at 4 by Google Books for keyword Land Use.
Book ID of Nature-friendly Land Use Practices at Multiple Scales's Books is mZO5TyHjGbcC, Book which was written byRebecca Lynn Kihslinger,James M. McElfishhave ETAG "2eYABfknioE"
Book which was published by Environmental Law Institute since 2009 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781585761401 and ISBN 10 Code is 1585761400
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "210 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLaw
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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