Neoliberalism and Urban Development in Latin America PDF
By:Camillo Boano,Francisco Vergara-Perucich
Published on 2017-08-15 by Routledge
In the 1970s and following on from the deposition of Salvador Allende, the Chilean dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet installed a radical political and economic system by force which lent heavy privilege to free market capitalism, reduced the power of the state to its minimum and actively suppressed civil society. Chicago economist Milton Friedman was heavily involved in developing this model, and it would be hard to think of a clearer case where ideology has shaped a country over such a long period. That ideology is still very much with us today and has come to be defined as neoliberalism. This book charts the process as it developed in the Chilean capital Santiago and involves a series of case studies and reflections on the city as a neoliberal construct. The variegated, technocratic and post-authoritarian aspects of the neoliberal turn in Chile serve as a cultural and political milieu. Through the work of urban scholars, architects, activists and artists, a cacophony of voices assemble to illustrate the existing neoliberal urbanism of Santiago and its irreducible tension between polis and civitas in the specific context of omnipresent neoliberalism. Chapters explore multiple aspects of the neoliberal delirium of Santiago: observing the antagonists of this scheme; reviewing the insurgent emergence of alternative and contested practices; and suggesting ways forward in a potential post-neoliberal city. Refusing an essentialist call, Neoliberalism and Urban Development in Latin America offers an alternative understanding of the urban conditions of Santiago. It will be essential reading to students of urban development, neoliberalism and urban theory, and well as architects, urban planners, geographers, anthropologists, economists, philosophers and sociologists.
This Book was ranked at 17 by Google Books for keyword Urban Development.
Book ID of Neoliberalism and Urban Development in Latin America's Books is ZNsrDwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byCamillo Boano,Francisco Vergara-Perucichhave ETAG "2pvHb5hZ/LI"
Book which was published by Routledge since 2017-08-15 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781317301806 and ISBN 10 Code is 1317301803
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "182 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
Book was written in en
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