Educating Oneself in Public PDF
By:Michael S. Moore
Published on 2000 by Oxford University Press on Demand
The eleven essays in Educating Oneself in Public: Critical Essays in Jurisprudence constitute an education in the Anglo-American jurisprudence of the second half of the twentieth century. The book examines both the thought of major figures such as H. L. A. Hart, Joseph Raz, Ronald Dworkin, Lon Fuller, and Richard Rorty, and the general themes of major movements such as legal realism, post-modernism, and pragmatism. Despite this focus on the thoughts of others the book is not a survey butis a critical probing of particular ideas often attributed to such figures. Detailed depth of understanding is sought about: Hart's conception of a `general jurisprudence' that describes law in general; Dworkin's conception of an `internal jurisprudence' that interprets the concept of law of our legal culture; Fuller's ideal of a `functional jurisprudence' that seeks the essence of law in the values it serves; the place of rules in legal and moral reasoning; Raz's idea that laws give `exclusionary reasons' to legal actors subject to such laws; how judges should reason, according to the legal realists; whether there are right answers to all disputed law cases; whether behind the obvious law of legal rules there can exist an unobvious law of legal principles; Finnis's conception of the common good as the function law uniquely serves; in what sense law practice and legal theory are interpretive activities; whether all knowledge, or some discrete realm of knowledge, is peculiarlyinterpretive in character. Michael Moore's views on each of these topics are detailed and original, even if the springboards for each discussion are the writings of those who introduced such topics into modern discussions. The introductory chapter includes responses by many of the figures examined in the other essays, together with the author's rejoinders.
This Book was ranked at 33 by Google Books for keyword Public.
Book ID of Educating Oneself in Public's Books is 7WrR83qOneYC, Book which was written byMichael S. Moorehave ETAG "IhcyBwGl0IA"
Book which was published by Oxford University Press on Demand since 2000 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780198268796 and ISBN 10 Code is 0198268793
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "464 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLaw
Book was written in en
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