Brasília, Plan and Reality PDF
By:David G. Epstein
Published on 1973-01-01 by Univ of California Press
A masterful account of Brasilia, the city of the future, where Brazil's continental destiny was to be fulfilled, where government would be efficient and functional, without the interference of radical students and labor leaders. The building of the city was a gigantic public-works program, reflecting the various ties that existed between the planners on one hand and the contractors and suppliers on the other. Epstein gives a detailed account of the pilot plan and the rise of satellite towns between 1957 and 1967. The planners dreamed of a city that would transcend the frustrations of urban life in the underdeveloped world, but they failed to provide a sector where the actual builders of the dream city would live. Shacktowns soon developed, and have expanded to accommodate migrants--often displaced, landless cultivators--who continue to be attracted to the city. The conclusion Epstein comes to is that urban squatting will remain a prominent feature of Brasilia, a part of a system deeply rooted in local, national, and global structure and ideology. Until there are revolutionary changes in society, squatting and shantytowns will be a fact of life in the underdeveloped world.
This Book was ranked at 37 by Google Books for keyword Urban Development.
Book ID of Brasília, Plan and Reality's Books is vPGcc3PVOyQC, Book which was written byDavid G. Epsteinhave ETAG "t3/7P2dLnqk"
Book which was published by Univ of California Press since 1973-01-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780520022034 and ISBN 10 Code is 0520022033
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "206 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBrasília (Brazil)
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true
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