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Selasa, 23 Oktober 2018

Download Introducing Public Relations Books PDF Free

Introducing Public Relations PDF
By:Keith Butterick
Published on 2011-02-03 by SAGE

Introducing Public Relations is your guide to the basics of public relations: where it came from, what it means and what issues the industry faces today. It takes readers from the origins of PR all the way to the newest theoretical debates, explaining along the way the changes and development of the role of the PR practitioner. With interviews and 'day in the life' examples from a wide range of professionals in the industry students will learn what PR practitioners do, what they think and how the industry really works. Putting the student first, this book: Gives a grounded, critical coverage of the history and theory of PR, so students understand not just the what but the how and why Covers all aspects of PR in practice, from in-house and consultancies to government, sport, NGO and corporate PR Packs each chapter with case studies, anecdotes from the field and career advice from expert PR professionals Helps easy revision with exercises, summaries and checklist. Highly accessible and engaging, there is no better headstart to understanding what PR is all about. It is the perfect text for any students encountering public relations theory and practice for the first time.

This Book was ranked at 2 by Google Books for keyword Public.

Book ID of Introducing Public Relations's Books is kyoQ1R2jQ1IC, Book which was written byKeith Butterickhave ETAG "zaG1H0ffKUA"

Book which was published by SAGE since 2011-02-03 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781446243282 and ISBN 10 Code is 1446243281

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "240 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true

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