Design for Human Ecosystems PDF
By:John Lyle
Published on 1985 by Island Press
For more than 30 years, John Tillman Lyle (1934-1998) was one of the leading thinkers in the field of ecological design. Design for Human Ecosystems, originally published in 1985, is his classic text that explores methods of designing landscapes that function in the sustainable ways of natural ecosystems. The book provides a framework for thinking about and understanding ecological design, along with a wealth of real-world examples that bring to life Lyle's key ideas. Lyle traces the historical growth of design approaches involving natural processes, and presents an introduction to the principles, methods, and techniques that can be used to shape landscape, land use, and natural resources in an ecologically sensitive and sustainable manner. Lyle argues that careful design of human ecosystems recognizes three fundamental concerns: scale (the relative size of the landscape and its connections with larger and smaller systems), the design process itself, and the underlying order that binds ecosystems together and makes them work. He discusses the importance of each of these concerns, and presents a workable approach to designing systems that effectively accounts for all of them. The theory presented is supported throughout by numerous case studies that illustrate its practical applications. This new edition features a foreword by Joan Woodward, noted landscape architecture professor and colleague of Lyle, that places the book in the context of current ecological design thinking and discusses Lyle's contributions to the field. It will be a valuable resource for landscape architects, planners, students of ecological design, and anyone interested in creating landscapes that meet the needs of all an area's inhabitants -- human and nonhuman alike.
This Book was ranked at 33 by Google Books for keyword Land Use.
Book ID of Design for Human Ecosystems's Books is k8eB9xtGuVcC, Book which was written byJohn Lylehave ETAG "M+9YAksaMyY"
Book which was published by Island Press since 1985 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781559637206 and ISBN 10 Code is 155963720X
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "279 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryArchitecture
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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