Managing Urban Expansion in Mongolia PDF
By:Takuya Kamata,James Reichert,Tumentsogt Tsevegmid,Yoonhee Kim,Brett Sedgewick
Published on 2010-05-03 by World Bank Publications
The sustainable development of ger areas in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, is one of the critical development issues facing the country. The ger areas host 60% of the population of Ulaanbaatar, and they have expanded 35 times larger than the original center of the city. Provision of basic services (e.g. heating and water supply) is very limited or non-existent in ger areas. The lack of basic public services resulted in air and water pollution as well as serious health risks to residents. The government tries to control expansion of the city, particularly ger areas, but its policy practices have been inconsistent. These inconsistent actions are, in part, a result of limited awareness and understanding by the general public, as well as by the policy makers, of the public costs of their actions. There is high susceptibility to ad-hoc behaviors that place premiums on short-term private gains over long-term value-creation in public goods. Many supporting mechanisms, including land valuation and taxation, have not yet been developed to create incentives for long-term value creation. Mongolia: Enhancing Policies and Practices for Ger Area Development in Ulaanbaatar aims at helping policy makers and citizens of Ulaanbaatar to improve their understanding of the consequences of their choices of policies and practices. Specifically, it intends to provide clear cost and benefit implications of three different development paths (central, mid-tier, and fringe gers) for seven sectors (land and housing, water supply, roads and public transport, heating, electricity, solid waste, and social services). The report is a best practice in urban planning exercise which provides useful information that can apply for other big cities.
This Book was ranked at 36 by Google Books for keyword Urban Development.
Book ID of Managing Urban Expansion in Mongolia's Books is 3TNYfAhGDlEC, Book which was written byTakuya Kamata,James Reichert,Tumentsogt Tsevegmid,Yoonhee Kim,Brett Sedgewickhave ETAG "ygsz8kyV0U4"
Book which was published by World Bank Publications since 2010-05-03 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780821383155 and ISBN 10 Code is 0821383159
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Book which have "130 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPolitical Science
Book was written in en
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